What Are the Biggest Misconceptions About recruitment?
There are many misconceptions about recruitment, here we will be discussing what we have noticed as the biggest misconceptions about recruitment agencies including; recruiters only care about filling roles, recruitment agencies cost candidates money, recruiters have final say on if you get the job, recruiters are only for unemployed people, and that recruiters only present candidates with the highest salary.
Misconception #1: Recruiters Only Care About Filling Roles
Fundamentally, filling roles is what drives any recruiter. There’s nothing more satisfying than closing a deal, but the piece that sweetens that deal is ensuring you’ve placed the right candidate.
Recruiters help candidates find the job that matches their needs, expectations and experience. They act as a compass to guide candidates towards the job that best suits them. Some will keep in touch and check-in, even after starting a new role. The reason is simple: by not providing quality service, they jeopardize their credibility with the candidate and the employer. If that were the case, it’s safe to say that they would suffer the consequences as clients would turn to other agencies for future positions. At the People Group, we like to see recruitment as a matchmaking service finding a perfect mix of what the candidate wants and what the employer wants.
See what our customers say about us here!
Misconception #2: Recruitment agencies cost job seekers money.
Candidates do not pay recruitment agencies. That’s right! It is a completely free service for job seekers. In fact, it is the companies seeking talent that pay for the services of the firms and their consultants, which often includes sourcing, background checks, interviews and more. For the candidate, this can also include CV advice, interview prep, sell the hiring managers on your abilities and negotiate the offer. The Recruiter is actually the first hurdle you must jump to get to the employer. Employers hire Recruiters and staffing agencies because they’re incredibly well networked; they’re like a second set of arms for HR managers.
So at the end of the day, you want a recruiter in your corner. Recruiters possess a deep understanding of the job market. They know what compensation is being paid at a variety of different companies. Many are experts in a specific field, like we are for sales, digital & marketing, and have long-standing relationships with key decision makers. They will be your friend, confidant and #1 cheerleader. The team at The People Group is not transaction-focused. We seek to build and maintain long-term relationships that could span the rest of your career.
Misconception #3: Recruiters determine whether or not you get the job.
While recruiters may help out with screening some candidates, they do not have the final say when it comes to hiring. Internal managers or HR usually decide whether or not you make the cut. Recruiters help you get in the door and will represent you throughout the process but it is your job to bring it on home!
Misconception #4: Recruiters are only for unemployed people or people struggling with their job search.
Today, with the majority of job applications being online, it can be hard to make a personal connection with the company you’re looking to work for. This is where a recruiter can be an asset. Why add your CV to an applicant tracking system (ATS) where it may not even be reviewed when you can have it hand delivered directly to the hiring manager with your ‘cheerleaders’ help? Working with a recruiter gives you a direct path to the hiring manager. An interview isn’t guaranteed, but at least you will have the confidence that your resume was seen and reviewed.
Misconception #5: Recruiters Only Present Candidates with the Highest Salary
Recruiters understand that job seekers are interested in more than just salary. Many candidates would choose to work at a company that pays less if the company offers great benefits and an exciting company culture and more flexible working options. Recruiters will work to understand what perks you want in your job and find opportunities that fit your needs.
Check out our salary calculator here!
Feel free to contact us to discuss any of your hiring needs.